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Birthday Age Number


The fairies, angels and mermaids can have an age number added to them to make them an even more special and unique gift!

We have all numbers so any age… big or small can be added.

Add this option to your shopping cart with your fairy, stating clearly the number(s)  you would like in the customer notes box when you order and we will sew it on to your order.

Measurements of the bronze coloured metal numbers are approximately 1 cm.

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The fairies, angels and mermaids can have an age number added to them to make them an even more special and unique gift!

We have all numbers so any age… big or small can be added.

Add this option to your shopping cart with your fairy, stating clearly the number(s)  you would like in the customer notes box when you order and we will sew it on to your order.

Measurements of the bronze coloured metal numbers are approximately 1 cm.

Additional information

Weight0.00 kg
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